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Writer's pictureAndrea Cipriano

Who Killed Abby Williams and Libby German?

Updated: Aug 29, 2019

The tight-knit community of Delphi Indiana has lived every day in the shadows wondering who killed Abigail "Abby" Williams, 13, and Liberty "Libby" German, 14, on February 13th, 2017. As we passed the second anniversary of their murders, law enforcement didn't seem any closer to finding their killer compared to when the investigation had started.

On, April 23rd, 2019, Indiana State Police (ISP) officially released more evidence to help track down the murderer responsible. Extended audio of the Suspect saying, "Guys…Down the hill," is now available to the public, along with a new video of the man walking towards Abby and Libby, who filmed the clip with her cellphone.

I have continued to follow this case closely since the beginning. I even traveled to Indiana in the summer of 2017 because I wanted to see the town of Delphi, the iconic Monon High Bridge, and the crime scene for myself. I dove headfirst into this case because I couldn't seem to shake their tragic story.

Because I want to spread awareness to this case, therefore ensuring it never goes cold, I've constructed an account of what I believe happened to Abby and Libby - and how to find the killer.

Let's look at the sheet.

My Journey finding Justice

I never imagined that I would feel so connected to this case to the point where it would compel me and my Dad, Michael, to drive the 10 hours from our hometown in New Jersey to Delphi, Indiana. I wanted to see everything for myself; the town, the trail, the crime scene, the people, and most importantly – I wanted to pay my respects to Abby and Libby.

We were close enough in age to where I could imagine myself being friends with them; whether it was playing on the same softball team or knowing each other from the same bus ride to school. Their relationship reminds me a lot of my relationship with my sister, Danielle. We also grew up playing softball together and shared a love for playing the violin and the flute.

Both Abby and Libby expressed an interest in True Crime and Abby wanted to pursue a career in Law Enforcement to help people, just like I wanted.

The killer left behind sisters, mothers, fathers, friends, and a community with no answers in his wake.

The least I can do as someone with a voice and passion is spread awareness to this case so the killer can finally be caught.

When traveling through Indiana, my first thought was corn. The amount of farmland was jaw-dropping, and the expansive distance between towns was something I'd never seen before.

It was almost haunting to see the green and white "Delphi" highway exit sign in person. For the first time, I was seeing elements of this case in real life instead of through my computer screen. This feeling only intensified throughout the few days we were in Indiana.

Before doing any of our own investigating, it was vital that we pay our respects to the girls. Libby's grave was adorned with bouquets of flowers. Some of them were real and timely, while others were artificial, so they were meant to last forever. It felt poetic, like how the girl's lives were taken so quickly, but their stories will outlive them. There were little artifacts left at her grave as well. Bracelets, stuffed animals, and garden lights from the community beautifully decorated her space. My Dad and I were able to find Libby's grave, but not Abby's. When we asked some of the workers managing the cemetery where we could find Abby's grave, their answer was conflicting with other information available online.

Ultimately, we left flowers for the girls at the cemetery and at the entrance to the Monon High Bridge hiking trail, which was closed off with a trespassing warning.

That evening we spent more time in Delphi's Downtown looking at neighborhoods and local establishments. A lot of the surrounding homes had cookie-cutter characteristics with a lot of land separating each house from their neighbors. Without any hills or physical markers, the flat drive can fool you into thinking you've been somewhere before. As we drove closer into Delphi's hub, you couldn't look at the diners or storefronts without seeing the suspect's sketch or his image staring back at you - the same image clipped from a video Libby took with her cellphone before she was murdered.

"The Bridge Man" was everywhere – the community wouldn't let you forget it.

Again, seeing elements of this case in real life was surreal. The distance between my quiet life back on the east coast and this town's turmoil was shrinking. Abby and Libby's justice felt even more personal to me.

The next morning, my Dad and I set back out to the Monon High Bridge trail to actually walk through it. We knew that there was a trespassing warning, so we parked in the public cemetery nearby and starter our off-the-path hike down to Deer Creek, and over to where their bodies were found.

The trek was difficult because of the unexplored terrain. There were a lot of loose rocks and bugs flying around so our attentions stayed fixated on getting to the creek safely. It was so quiet and eerie that I felt like in any moment, I would look past a tree and see the Suspect staring back at me.

It was like the energy of the crime had seeped into the soil and into the air.

We were both spooked.

The strangeness continued when we finally got to the area where Abby and Libby's bodies were found, and a horse (yes! an actual horse!) scared us off. You can see the footage my Dad took of that moment in my YouTube video.

Flustered and still on edge, we went back to the edge of Deer Creek to regroup and discuss my thoughts on this case.

Credit: Evil Unsolved

The Suspect

How will someone know it's him?

From the original photo released by ISP, it is clear to see that the Suspect has a heavy frame, with short dark hair in his late 30s into 40s. His posture and the way he's carrying himself tells me that visually, he's a private, introverted, and unassuming person. The words "All-American" come to mind when analyzing this photo, telling me that there isn't anything about his exterior that would set off any red flags. He doesn't want to call any attention on himself, so he sticks to dressing simply and generically.

I believe the idea of killing was premeditated, but not specifically the killings of Libby and Abby. Their murders were a result of the girls being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I feel like the Suspect is local to Delphi, making the fact that he's remained undetected even more frustrating. Other close by towns with similar demographics and lifestyles should be investigated. While in Indiana, driving through the Kilmore area, I felt that the houses are far enough apart to where neighbors can live uninterrupted lives and keep to themselves.

Becoming anonymous is easy. Moreover, a lot of these neighboring towns are along major roadways that can quickly be taken to Delphi.

The Suspect looks like someone who does blue-collar work - something repetitive or methodical with a permanent structure. He could be the average guy who fixes windows or takes plumbing jobs. It's possible he owns his own business that wasn't doing well, which could have been a stressor for him at the time.

I don't believe he altered his appearance after the murders because the change would have been out of character and he didn't want to tip off any of his friends that he had something to hide. He might even use gallows humor with his coworkers about the resemblance he shares with the police sketch to try and come across as innocent. However, he couldn't help the changes in his personality since committing the crime; he is edgier now, occasionally hinting at paranoia.

This behavior could even translate to his continuous "groundhog day" routine - shopping late at night to avoid crowds and buying "Bush's Beans" canned foods to limit grocery trips. He would also be stocking his car up with air fresheners, potentially because he's paranoid about it smelling like blood after driving away from the murder scene. But, the people he is close to wouldn't be tipped off by his edginess because he's always had quirks in his personality.

Being local, I believe that the Suspect attended one of the very early vigils to honor Abby and Libby. He would even go back to visit the hiking trail to relive the crime. During the height of the investigation, he would've kept a low profile around town and revisited the path less often. His repetitive behavior is going to be vital in helping identify him. These compulsions could also explain if he took a trophy from the crime scene: a necklace or item from the girls.

He has some method of emotional release, and I believe it's most likely writing. When law enforcement identifies the suspect, a search of his home will discover his dark journaling confessions. He knows "he's screwed" from these killings and doesn't want to be convicted for murdering Abby and Libby.

The Crime Scene

Libby's sister dropped the duo off at the Monon High Bridge Trail. I know that the girls frequently uploaded photos of their afternoon to Snapchat. By the time they were about halfway across the bridge, I believe they had encountered their killer. I feel that he did not follow them from behind at the beginning northwest side of the trail, but rather, that he was at the other southeast end of the bridge, parking on N 625 W.

He initially walked past both Abby and Libby where they first became alarmed at his visible tension and nervousness. There was no initial attempt to conceal his presence because killing wasn't premeditated.

Eventually, the man turns around and walks directly toward them. He decided to kill. I believe it's his sudden change in direction and shady demeanor is what spooked Libby into filming him – it's as if she knew she needed to collect evidence against him.

The Suspect must have used a classic luring tactic when he approached them; "I'm lost, can you help me?" or "My dog is missing, can you help me find it?" In the girl's minds, this would have explained his nervous tension, so they let their guard down enough to listen. They followed directions "down the hill" like the audio evidence suggests and across the shallow creek to where he ultimately murdered Abby and Libby.

He needed to get the girls off the official hiking path to limit his visibility. Then, I believe he attacked Libby first with a blow to the head to try and render her unconscious to gain control. He ultimately pulled out a sharp object, most likely a box cutter or a tool he would've had on him regularly.

I feel that the girls were killed in a brutal way, which is why there is minimal information available to the public. If there was DNA evidence found, it wasn't much, and there is no current match in the system.

Based on the Suspect's profile, I feel there was no effort to hide their bodies. The man killed Abby and Libby quickly and left the park as soon as he could. He probably washed up hastily in the creek that was behind him and changed his outerwear once he got back to the truck. I believe the Suspect stopped at a nearby gas station in Delphi Town Center - there is a less popular Shell Station, (223 W Main St) where he may be seen on surveillance.

Final Thoughts

Even though my Dad and I were afraid while hiking near the Monon High Bridge Trail, our fears were nothing compared to how the members of the Delphi community must feel every day. It has been two long years since Abby and Libby were murdered, and the Indiana State Police Department still hasn't found the monster responsible. With a new sketch being released, along with extended audio and video of the suspect, it's facilitated new media attention that will hopefully inspire the right person to come forward with a tip that could blow this whole case wide open.

If you'd like to see the evidence and the footage of my time in Delphi, check out my YouTube Channel here.

If you have a tip on the homicides of Abby and Libby please contact the tip line at:


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